Learning a new careerLearning a new career

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Learning a new career

I have been a stay-at-home mum for 14 years, and I recently felt like it was time to go back to the workforce. I don't feel like going back to my old office job, and to be honest I probably even wouldn't be able to get a job in that sector anymore as the technology has changed so much. I want to help people, and that's why I am retraining as a care worker. The course is really interesting, and I think it's a job I can be really good at. This blog has some tips for anyone who is looking to retrain.

The Benefits of Early Learning Centres

The early years are key for a child's development, and an early learning centre is a great place to set your child on the path to success. These centres provide children with an array of benefits from improving their social skills to boosting their self-confidence. This blog will discuss some of the key advantages that early learning centres have to offer. From cognitive development to physical growth, attending an early learning centre can help your child reach their fullest potential. Read More 

5 Benefits of Signing Your Child Up for Swim Lessons

While swimming is a fun recreational activity, it is also an important life skill. If you are thinking about signing your child up for lessons, you may be looking for more info about the benefits swimming lessons can offer. Here are five benefits of signing your child up for swim lessons this summer: 1. Swimming is a fantastic form of exercise Swimming is a good way to encourage your child to be active and get moving. Read More 

Four Benefits Of Canine Reading Programs

Learning to read is one of the most important things that children can experience. However, it can be a time of stress and judgment for young kids. There is good news though. Studies have shown that reading out loud to dogs helps kids to learn to read faster, and it reduces the stress that they experience by doing so. Canine reading programs are a wonderful opportunity for corporate sponsorship and workplace donation programs. Read More 

3 Signs That a Childcare Centre Values Healthy Eating

Are you worried about how, when and what your child will eat while at childcare? If so, you're not alone. Healthy eating is one of the major concerns many parents have when choosing a childcare centre. If you're focused on providing a well-balanced and nutritious diet at home, you won't want to choose a childcare facility that encourages unhealthy eating habits. But how can you know whether a childcare centre really values a healthy diet as much as your family does? Read More 

Setting Up the Physical Space in Early Learning Centres to Enhance Learning Opportunities

Young children are natural explorers and enjoy the opportunity to find and explore their physical spaces. This kinetic and vibrant learning style can be enhanced if carers put some extra consideration into setting up their physical space to optimise the children's natural desires. Here are some tips. Vary sizes of information  While adults are often in a rush and want to be able to quickly scan areas for the information that they need, children have more time to spend examining the detail. Read More