Learning a new careerLearning a new career

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Learning a new career

I have been a stay-at-home mum for 14 years, and I recently felt like it was time to go back to the workforce. I don't feel like going back to my old office job, and to be honest I probably even wouldn't be able to get a job in that sector anymore as the technology has changed so much. I want to help people, and that's why I am retraining as a care worker. The course is really interesting, and I think it's a job I can be really good at. This blog has some tips for anyone who is looking to retrain.

Setting Up the Physical Space in Early Learning Centres to Enhance Learning Opportunities

Young children are natural explorers and enjoy the opportunity to find and explore their physical spaces. This kinetic and vibrant learning style can be enhanced if carers put some extra consideration into setting up their physical space to optimise the children's natural desires.

Here are some tips.

Vary sizes of information 

While adults are often in a rush and want to be able to quickly scan areas for the information that they need, children have more time to spend examining the detail. They can often be just as intrigued by finely detailed drawings and very small pieces of information. There are some fantastically detailed drawings that you can use to decorate your space including illustrations by Graeme Base, who produces likely illustrations packed with items that started with a certain letter of the alphabet as well as the classic 'Where's Wally' drawings. Children love to explore this style of information to discover funny and interesting details.  

Keep information down low

The best place for children to discover information is at eye level, so be sure to get down low and think about where to hang information that the kids might like to see. Don't miss spaces such as wall spaces in the bathroom. There are a lot of spaces that you can use to make the most of the time. You can also vary wall hangings and decorations week to week to keep it interesting and keep the children engaged and exploring their environment.

Add elements of surprise

As you are starting to teach concepts it can be fun to add an element of surprise to the learning by hiding items around the room for the children to find over the week. This could include hiding cards with different numbers when you are looking at numeracy, cards with different coloured fruits and vegetables when you are looking at colours and even animal figurines when you are looking at animals. The children will love finding objects in unexpected places and this element of surprise can help to encourage the children to remember the facts that you are are trying to teach them. 

If you are looking to provide an interesting and stimulating learning environment for your children, it is a good idea to plan a physical space that allows them to use their natural urge to explore and feel their way through learning to find their own information and reach their own conclusions. For more information, contact a centre such as Hopskotch Kindergarten.