Learning a new careerLearning a new career

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Learning a new career

I have been a stay-at-home mum for 14 years, and I recently felt like it was time to go back to the workforce. I don't feel like going back to my old office job, and to be honest I probably even wouldn't be able to get a job in that sector anymore as the technology has changed so much. I want to help people, and that's why I am retraining as a care worker. The course is really interesting, and I think it's a job I can be really good at. This blog has some tips for anyone who is looking to retrain.

Four Benefits Of Canine Reading Programs

Learning to read is one of the most important things that children can experience. However, it can be a time of stress and judgment for young kids. There is good news though. Studies have shown that reading out loud to dogs helps kids to learn to read faster, and it reduces the stress that they experience by doing so.

Canine reading programs are a wonderful opportunity for corporate sponsorship and workplace donation programs. Here are four ways that canine reading programs may benefit young readers.

1. Dogs don't judge

One of the reasons that kids and adults alike love having dogs in their lives is because dogs don't judge them. When children read aloud to dogs, they get to experience the unconditional love and acceptance that dogs provide. A dog won't mind if a child trips over a word or mispronounces a vowel. They will just be happy to be there listening. Service dogs that listen to children read aloud help the kids get over any initial embarrassment or fear of reading.

2. It's good to have an audience

When learning a new skill or working towards a goal, it helps to have some motivation. Children are no exception. When children have a reason to read out loud – for example reading to an audience of eager and friendly dogs – they are more motivated to work towards their goal. They know they have a friendly and loving audience that they need to entertain.

3. Dogs help students with reading and learning disabilities

Learning to read can be an incredibly daunting experience. For children who experience difficulties with learning and reading, reading out loud can be an overwhelming experience. They may want to give up on their first try and may experience some embarrassment over getting words wrong. Reading out loud to dogs gives these kids a safe environment where they are gently encouraged by their canine audience to continue, even if they make mistakes.

4. It helps the dogs as well

It's not just children and students who benefit from dog sponsorship programs. The friendly dogs who are placed in these reading programs are often rescue dogs who may have come from difficult homes and pasts. As an extra bonus, kids will feel proud to be helping the dogs they read to.

Canine reading programs greatly benefit from workplace donation programs as the money goes towards rescuing and training these are lovely dogs so that they are friendly audiences for children learning to read.

Children learning to read and dogs both benefit from these educational programs. If you are looking for an opportunity to engage in corporate sponsorship or workplace donation opportunities then canine reading programs are a great way to do that. Contact a local workplace donation program to learn more.